Anonymized DNSCrypt and DoH

Anonymized DNSCrypt and DNS over HTTPS (DoH) are now supported on all resolvers. New resolver lists can be found on the front page.

In addition, hostEONS has generously sponsored two new locations: Salt Lake City, UT and Portland, OR. Thanks for supporting the project!

Turkey and Hong Kong

New locations: Istanbul + Hong Kong

Removed: Denver

US locations

New locations: Los Angeles, Amsterdam

Replaced: Atlanta

Deprecated: Denver (the provider Dedipath has shut down its operations and the server hosting the resolver may go offline anytime)

Removed: Salt Lake City

New resolvers

The resolver in Zurich, CH has been removed as Kuroit has closed that location. They're sponsoring our new resolver in London, UK instead.

Thanks to generous sponsors Skhron, IncogNET and Crunchbits, I've been able to add four more resolvers to the project: Warsawa, PL / Naaldwijk, NL and two US locations (Liberty Lake, WA / Spokane, WA).

Another resolver in Phoenix, AZ has been added.

Some more locations

5 new resolvers have been added to the project: Salt Lake City, US / Chicago, US / Atlanta, US / Dublin, IE, Stockholm, SE.

The latter is generously sponsored by Internetport Sweden AB. Thank you!